
The scientists don’t show an evidence of that the carbon dioxide (the CO2) builds the Global Warming. It’s because they don’t have this evidence. It’s because an almost opposite is correct.

The CO2 helps to keep the Planet cool.

An average person must consume 2,000 kcal per a day or he or she starts starving. That’s 2 million calories per a day per an average person.

And where does this energy come from? It comes from eating the vegetation directly (or indirectly – by eating animals that eat the vegetation). And how does all this energy get into the vegetation? The vegetation eats this energy from the sunlight.

But every time the vegetation eats a bit of energy from the sunlight, it annihilates an according amount of carbon dioxide. That’s how it works. The vegetation turns carbon dioxide, water and heat into carbohydrates and oxygen. That’s how it works. That’s how the vegetation eats the sunlight’s heat – by turning this heat, the according amount of water and the according amount of CO2 into the according amount of carbohydrates and oxygen. When there isn’t the according amount of carbon dioxide available, the vegetation isn’t able to eat the energy from the sunlight and then this uneaten energy starts building the Global Warming.

An average person needs food with 2 million calories of carbohydrates energy every day or he or she starts starving. An average person needs to eat an amount of carbohydrates amounting 2 million calories with food every day of he or she starts starving.

Guess what is needed to make a carbohydrate? You will never guess. Carbon. Carbon is needed make a carbohydrate. And the Vegetation gets the very this carbon from the carbon dioxide.

The Vegetation can only make as much of carbohydrates as there is of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and not an ounce more.

The Planet can only grow as much of carbohydrates for our food as there is of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and not a calorie more.

When a coal/natural gas/heavy fuel oil power station generates energy and emits the according amount of carbon dioxide, this carbon dioxide enables the Vegetation to eat the exact same amount of energy from the sunlight. And the Vegetation does just that. And exactly equal amount of the sunlight energy doesn’t turn into heat so then. And since this sunlight energy doesn’t turn into heat, the Global Warming doesn’t occur here.

Actually, it’s even more than that. When a power plant burns coal/natural gas/heavy fuel oil in an area where it is a night/winter time at that moment, then it takes some time for the emitted carbon dioxide to travel to the Vegetation available to destroy it by eating heat from the sunlight. During this travel time, the Planet emits slightly more energy into the Space and when the Vegetation eventually eats that bit of the carbon dioxide, the Planet appears to have gotten even slightly colder than it was before this particular coal/oil/natural gas was burnt off.

So, where does the Global Warming come from?

It comes from the nuclear power plants mainly and from the Crusade Against The Carbon partially.

When a nuclear power plant generates energy, it doesn’t emit carbon dioxide. Consequentially, the Vegetation isn’t able to eat this amount of heat from the sunlight. And so, the amount of energy produced by the nuclear power plants builds the Global Warming then.

That’s why the scientists aren’t able to show a sane evidence that it is the carbon dioxide that builds the Global Warming. It’s because an almost opposite is correct. Burning coal/oil/natural gas even slightly cools the Planet down.

So, where has the Carbon Hoax come from?

It was invented by the nuclear power plants industry. Initially, the nuclear energy was incredibly cheap. When and where the countries don’t care about the safety standards, 1 kWh generated by a nuclear power plant costs a just fraction of 1 cent. Yet, once the full accident insurance, the nuclear waste burying costs and the nuclear plant’s decommission costs are included, the generation costs jump above $1 per every 1 kWh generated. To survive, the nuclear power industry has invented the Carbon Hoax – to give an excuse for the corrupt politicians of the kind of Al Gore to subsidise/promote the nuclear power industry and hurt the coal/oil/natural gas.

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1. You see an evidence that the Global Warming “science” is a bullshit every time You look at a World map or a globe.

Greenland has been named this way because when the Vikings discovered it in 982AD, they found this island so exceptionally green that they named it Greenland. In this 982, these Vikings described Greenland as “a country with fertile green valleys”.

There is another mark in the written history. The winter 1407/1408. Icebergs in the English Channel.

You probably won’t believe it, but the climate made this cooling from the green fertile Greenland in 982 to the icebergs in the English Channel in 1408 within less than 500 years without Al Gore’s efforts and even without a war on the cheap American fuel.

The Carbon Hoax Thugs celebrate that the written history doesn’t tell what that natural supreme heat (green Greenland) and that natural supreme cold (icebergs in the English Channel) mean in Fahrenheit and Celsius degrees. Of course, we don’t see the Fahrenheit and Celsius degrees here. The Celsius scale was invented in 1742. And the Fahrenheit scale was introduced in 1724.

Whatever exactly in Fahrenheit and Celsius degrees means the green Greenland and the icebergs in the English Channel, it is obvious that we now live in a very very very modest and stable climate – somewhere very close to the very middle between the climate’s natural supreme cold and natural supreme heat.

2. We now know that the Sun turns around its own axis too. And that some areas of the Sun’s surface are hotter than other ones. When the Earth flies along a hotter part of the Sun’s surface, the Earth gets more heat from the Sun. When the Earth flies along a less hot part of the Sun’s surface, the Earth gets less heat from the Sun.

When the Earth flies along a hotter part of the Sun, we experience a heatwave and more frequent and stronger hurricanes and tornadoes – up to even earthquakes and tsunamis sometimes.

Then the Carbon Hoax Thugs say:

“Look. Here is the deal. If only the Americans were paying a fair price for the gas at the pumps, the Earth would have flown along a less hot area of the Sun’s surface.”

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And about the Climate Change point.

When it gets hotter, the Organic Life turns carbon dioxide, water and heat into carbohydrates.

When it gets colder, the Organic Life turns the very these carbohydrates back into carbon dioxide, water and heat.

It is the Organic Life that resists the Climate Change.

Yet the Organic Life’s ability to resist the Climate Change is limited. It is limited by the amount of CO2 in the air – because there only is as much CO2 in the atmosphere.

The Climate Change faces too little resistance from the Organic Life precisely because there is too little CO2 in the atmosphere.

If the self-proclaimed “environmentalists” really were against the Climate Change, they would be all-in for deploying to the fullest extent all the existing technologies of extracting the coal/oil/natural gas and utilizing them to emit the utmost of clean CO2 into the atmosphere – to maximize the Organic Life’s abilities to resist the Climate Change.


If the self-proclaimed “environmentalists” really were against the Climate Change, they wouldn’t be stabbing the Organic Life into back by artificially turning California into a desert.


If the self-proclaimed “environmentalists” really were on the side of Life (and so against the Climate Change) on this Planet, they would be championing every existing technology of safely burning the plastic waste into clean CO2 instead of dumping it into oceans.


If the self-proclaimed “environmentalists” really cared about the vulnerable communities, they would champion every technology of emitting clean carbon dioxide into atmosphere – to enable the crops fields directly (and livestock pastures indirectly) grow more carbohydrates for our food.


The self-proclaimed “environmentalists” vilify the cows and push for the biofuel. Yet growing the biofuel means growing wheat and corn. The wheat and corn fields then demand pesticides. The pesticides kill the bees. Killing the bees exterminates all the Life down the chain. With the pressure to convert the livestock pastures into fields of growing biofuel, the self-proclaimed “environmentalist” pressure groups are killing the Planet.


The offshore wind farms are killing the Planet:

The onshore wind farms are killing the Planet:

The solar farms are killing the Planet:

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There is nothing *green* in attacking the only thing that is only essential to the Green Life.

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And about the Greenhouse Effect.

The word “greenhouse” was introduced because the Planet’s atmosphere resembles a greenhouse by making the heat to take it longer to escape from the Planet’s surface into the Space.

When a fossil fuel is burnt, the according amount of the atmosphere’s oxygen gets turned into the same amount of atmosphere’s CO2. And then, it as already an atmosphere’s CO2 gets turned back into the very this amount of atmosphere’s oxygen by the Organic Life. It may look that the amount of the atmosphere gases stays constant at all times. It isn’t so. The Organic Life is able to capture the air nitrogen off the air. The more of the fossil fuels are burnt, the more of CO2 is there available for the Organic Life to use it for growing itself. And the Organic Life does just that – it grows. The bigger the Organic Life grows, the more of air nitrogen it captures. And so, the atmosphere shrinks.

Burning the fossil fuel indirectly reduces the very thing that turns the Planet into a greenhouse’s resemblance.

Burning the fossil fuel does not turn the atmosphere into a greenhouse thing. Exactly opposite. Burning the fossil fuel indirectly erodes the very greenhouse (the atmosphere).

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All the Life is carbon based.

There is no Life without carbon.

The crusade against the carbon is a crusade against the Life.

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The idea is –

That You destroy all objective truth.

And once You destroy all objective truth, all that is left is the subjective. And then, when You apply pressure to the subjective mind, what You do is You destroy Freedom. Because again, You can think Yourself into anything.

If we do not cling to the facts, then it’s very easy for people to exert control, to use the power of the government to compel You to think things – because the reality is not there for You to discover.

One response to “Carbon”

  1. Historically (millions of years) we are near the bottom of CO2 ppm ~ 410. It has been just under 7000 and our temperature is in the lower range. CO2 is the food for the bottom of the food chain for both land & water. It is essential and earth’s Oxygen depends on it.
    I don’t want dirty air or water. But the reason scientists thought we were entering another ice age in 60s – 80s because the pollution particulates were blocking some of the Sun’s rays and heat.
    CO2 is natural and essential. There is no peer review study showing it causes global warming. We know they have and are trying to get evidence CO2 causes warming.
    In nort America in the warm months there is more CO2 from cars etc… yet the ppm goes down because of the greening effect.
    I don’t have all answers but man-made CO2 does not cause global warming. It makes the earth more green and Oxygenated. If you back gasses, natural pollutants, water Vapor out of the air CO2 is less than .024% of air. It goes down wit higher elevation because it’s heavier than the top 3 gasses.


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